Federation University Australia

Latham's Snipe (Gallinago hardwickii) flight initiation distance data

posted on 2024-12-05, 07:31 authored by Birgita HansenBirgita Hansen, Mike WestonMike Weston, Judi WaltersJudi Walters, Jodie Honan, Don Stewart

This dataset represents flight initiation distance (flushing distance) data collected as part of a national monitoring program on Latham’s Snipe. This ongoing citizen science program commenced in 2014 with about twenty sites in south-west Victoria. The dataset has been contributed by multiple observers who have participated in this project eitehr throughout its conduct or a various times during the program. The program is ongoing. The details of data collection can be found in an accompanying manuscript, submitted to PLOS One and under review as of December 2024. The R code used for analyses is included.
