Federation University Australia

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Probing Datasets for Noisy Texts

Version 4 2021-03-14, 07:21
Version 3 2021-03-14, 01:18
Version 2 2021-03-13, 05:54
Version 1 2021-03-13, 05:52
posted on 2021-03-14, 07:21 authored by Buddhika KasthuriarachchyBuddhika Kasthuriarachchy, Madhu ChettyMadhu Chetty, Adrian ShatteAdrian Shatte


Probing tasks are popular among NLP researchers to assess the richness of the encoded representations of linguistic information. Each probing task is a classification problem, and the model’s performance shall vary depending on the richness of the linguistic properties crammed into the representation.

This dataset contains five new probing datasets consist of noisy texts (Tweets) which can serve as a benchmark dataset for researchers to study the linguistic characteristics of unstructured and noisy texts.

File Structure

Format: A tab-separated text file

Column 1: train/test/validation split (tr-train, te-test, va-validation)

Column 2: class label (refer to the content section for the class labels of each task file)

Column 3: Tweet message (text)

Column 4: a unique ID



In this classification task, the goal is to predict the sentence length in 8 possible bins (0-7) based on their lengths; 0: (5-8), 1: (9-12), 2: (13-16), 3: (17-20), 4: (21-25), 5: (26-29), 6: (30-33), 7: (34-70). This task is called “SentLen” in the paper.


We consider a 10-way classifications task with 10 words as targets considering the available manually annotated instances. The task is predicting which of the target words appears on the given sentence. We have considered only the words that appear in the BERT vocabulary as target words. We constructed the data by picking the first 10 lower-cased words occurring in the corpus vocabulary ordered by frequency and having a length of at least 4 characters (to remove noise). Each sentence contains a single target word, and the word occurs precisely once in the sentence. The task is referred to as “WC” in the paper.


The purpose of the Bigram Shift task is to test whether an encoder is sensitive to legal word orders. Two adjacent words in a Tweet are inverted, and the classification model performs a binary classification to identify inverted (I) and non-inverted/original (O) Tweets. The task is referred to as “BShift” in the paper.


The Tree Depth task evaluates the encoded sentence's ability to understand the hierarchical structure by allowing the classification model to predict the depth of the longest path from the root to any leaf in the Tweet's parser tree. The task is referred to as “TreeDepth” in the paper.


The Tweets are modified by replacing a random noun or a verb o with another noun or verb r. The task of the classifier is to identify whether the sentence gets modified due to this change. Class label O refers to the unmodified sentences while C refers to modified sentences. The task is called “SOMO” in the paper.


This research is supported by Global Hosts Pty Ltd trading as SportsHosts, a Melbourne based company.
