Australian Research Data Commons Institutional Underpinning project 2022
The Australian Research Data Commons (ARDC) in 2021 commenced the Institutional Underpinnings (IU) project, a collaborative project between 25 of Australia’s universities to develop a shared approach to university research data management in the form of a nationally-agreed framework. During 2021, participating institutions, including Federation University Australia, prioritised and developed an initial series of eight ‘elements’ of such a framework. Phase Two of the IU project (until August 2022) involved the testing of one of more of these elements by each participating University, with Phase Three (August until November 2022) using data from the testing phase to finalise the national framework.
Federation University Australia nominated a Phase Two project which would test the Culture Change element through undertaking a Scoping Study to identify current University practices, resources and infrastructure related to research data management, together with developing a plan to implement, achieve and monitor sustainable best practice RDM. This project was undertaken on the University’s behalf by Sae Ra Germaine (Manager of Member and Academic Services) and Emily Pyers (Business Analyst (Metadata & Repositories)) from CAVAL Ltd.
One component of this Phase Two Project was a survey of University researchers, with plans for follow up interviews with interested respondents to the Survey.
This Collection brings together the survey questions, the survey responses analysis and report, the de-identified survey response dataset, and the proposed interview questions. The surevey responses analysis and report was undertaken by Carolyn Staines and Jennifer Corbett of the Centre for eResearch and Digitial Innovation (CeRDI) on behalf of the Federation University Library.